Sunday Aug 27, 2017
The Gubernatorial Debate
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
Sunday Aug 27, 2017
The political candidates were on the debate stage in preparation for the televised gubernatorial event. It was a tough year economically for this particular state in addition to the rise of social issue concerns. The moderator a local television reporter began the introduction. Outside of the college auditorium where the debate was being held a crowd was protesting outside. They were voicing their protest with the barring of their independent candidate from all debating events.
The republican candidate Glen Leyzard began his introduction. He began by putting his hands together in an open book gesture. “Today this great state is at a turning point. The current condition of our state is like a ship in the ocean. The ship to our future is in turbulent waters. The sharks and remoras have surrounded this boat waiting for something to eat. Mutiny has begun the stirrings with those on board looking to pirate others to walk the plank. The winds have taken sale while the boat is still because of cross currents. The other candidate will lead you to believe that the only choices are sailing toward shark-infested waters or getting stuck between the rocks ahead. I’m running for governor because I know how to guide this ship toward the safe and healthy sea. A vote for me is a vote for pulling us together unlike my competitor who wants to pull all of us apart. My name is Glen Leyzard and I want to be your captain.” There was a short applause and the moderator then turned to the democratic candidate for governor Ron Lance. “While I agree that this state is at a turning point I disagree with the direction that the republican candidate wants to take.” He then took a step off of the podium and walked toward the crowd in the town hall debate style setting. “Folks it’s not that difficult to see what the problems are. Were not on a boat we live in the real world. Go downtown and take a look at the conditions of the road. Stop at a corner and look at how many people are out of work and not doing much. Have a coffee at a local diner and talk to the locals and ask them what’s wrong and they’ll tell you. It’s not that difficult, they want work, they want something to do and to matter. They want to know that when you elect your officials that they care more than the words that they say about your future. That’s why I’m running for governor. The leaves at the bottom of the pool might leave the water murky after they are removed but the water isn’t as dirty as the other candidate might lead you to believe. The filter just needs to be turned on so the water can clear. Yes there is some pulling involved but it’s not pulling us apart but pulling us together. The current conditions already have us pulled apart. I can’t do this alone that’s why I’m asking for your help in making me your next governor.” Candidate Ron Lance went back to his podium where the crowd gave a greater response. The moderator was energized with the prospect of an exciting debate.
The moderator began his questioning. “Lieutenant Governor Lance, during the past four years state run deficits have increased including unfunded pension payments and increased unemployment among other social issue concerns. Considering that you were the lieutenant governor how will electing you as governor change the direction of the state?” Candidate Lance began his answer “First I’ll start by saying that the lieutenant governors position doesn’t set policy that the governor and state legislators set in place. I will bring a different vitality that on a smaller scale I’ve been able to produce. Next, I want each and every one of you to understand why our state is in the current position that it is in. On a larger stage the pressures of economic recession have fallen on this state’s shoulders breaking the back and bank of our current expenditures and making the everyday taxpayer’s lives difficult. Meanwhile our infrastructure has continued to decline. When elected I plan on working with the congressional officials in order to get the proper federal funding that this state deserves. I’m also pushing for new sources of energy through wind and solar. This could create a whole new set of jobs that would come to this state and circulate new life into our economy.” “Your time is up.” The moderator informed Democratic candidate Lieutenant Governor Lance. There wasn’t much a response from the crowd this time.
“Mayor Leyzard I pose the same question to you.” “First, I’ll say that I’ll stay on the boat and not go in the water.” A slight chuckle came from the crowd. “There are pressures from a greater level but the decisions of this current administration have hurt and not helped us get out of this mess. I am not for staying on the current course. Ask yourselves if were all pulling together then why are things so bad? My answer: it’s the wrong way! I’ll admit I don’t want to be your best friend. But do you need me to be? When elected I want to fight. I want to cut the waste that has been the albatross around the taxpayer’s neck and hurts economic development for our state. I’ll talk of overbearing expenditures but I’ll also talk about how our tax base has been hurt from bankruptcies that cause unemployment. The only thing that the Lieutenant governor will cut is more private sector jobs. How does that help fund anything but his own constituents.”
“Ask the mayor how many bankruptcies he caused in his city?” Candidate Lance responded. The audience murmured. The moderator began to ask his next question, “Alright Mayor Leyzard what about the accusation that you caused bankruptcies in your city.” Candidate Leyzard began to respond, “I’ll agree that the percentage of bankruptcies are up in my city, but so are they in just about every other city or town in this state. The greater point is to ask this question, what is government’s role in the private sector? If my job were solely to save distressed business and homeowners then we wouldn’t be living in a free market economy, which I believe in. That is a fundamental difference between me and the other candidate. Opportunity sometimes unfortunately comes at the expense of others. Market conditions of a city or state shouldn’t be set by the governmental leaders in charge.” “But your city does have the highest rate of bankruptcies in the state.” The moderator interjected. “Again, the duty of the mayor isn’t to moderate the private sector, that’s something that leftists like candidate Lance believes in. I have however as mayor decreased payroll expenses and balanced the city budget without excessive taxation. This I believe helps to create a favorable business climate.” “Lieutenant governor your response.” Candidate Lance left the podium again and strolled in front of the podium with his fist clenched and thumb pointed out. “I agree there is a fundamental disagreement between myself and the other candidate. I believe that there is a better way then to let a lot of hard working everyday people in this state fail and losing everything that they’ve worked for just because its good for business. I can’t say that’s an ideological stance but I can say that its more responsible, humane, and I believe American. Folks, I believe that while times may be tough if were willing to compromise and work for it then we can make things better even if in small ways. That’s why I am willing to work with the federal level and state elected officials to make sure that we receive the proper funding to improve this state’s infrastructure that will create jobs. I’ll also work on creating a greener cleaner energy environment that will improve the long-term conditions of this state. I firmly believe that building up our infrastructure with help from the federal level will give this state a greater competitive advantage in a big business environment and for you everyday folk too!” Candidate Lance walked back to his podium.
“Mayor Leyzard what is your stance on green forms of energy and infrastructure projects?” The moderator asked. “First I want to address something. I don’t like that some people are failing. In my opening statement I spoke of sharks in the water that were waiting for people to fall off of the boat. Symbolically those are the people that like failure. The problem is that the other candidate and his form of leadership is what’s causing others to mutiny and go overboard in the first place luring the sharks toward our boat. Take a look at the unfunded pension liability and outrageous state spending. How can economic development take place in a state that raises business taxes in order to fund its own budget? In concerns to infrastructure, I support infrastructure projects if there is a process in place for it to pay for itself. As a republican I believe in the constitution and the 10th amendment.” Candidate Leyzard pulled out a copy of the constitution from his front pocket and held it above his head briefly. “While I would work with the congressional legislators to receive adequate funding, I would also reserve the right to keep the powers delegated to this state. Compromise shouldn’t have to come at the expense of our civil liberties or at the edge of federal funding. My first job is for fiscal solvency of this state and don’t let the negative politics of fear disguise what the real issues are.” “What about alternative energy?” The moderator then asked. “I support exploration of natural gas that this state have vast resources of. When elected I’ll work to weaken the E.P.A’s political powers that blocks natural gas exploration.” Candidate Leyzard finished speaking. “I’d like to respond.” The lieutenant governor commented. The moderator gestured to candidate Lance with his pen and said “Quickly.” “In my opening statement I talked of taking leaves out of a pool and turning the filter on cleaning the waters. That’s what green forms of energy is about. I’d like to walk forward and not fall back. The EPA was put in place because of polluted environments that created conditions that were more than detrimental to the communities and people surrounding them. I believe that the EPA is instrumental in ensuring that pollution standards are being followed. Remember that it was the Republican Nixon presidency that gave the executive order to establish the EPA in the first place.” “Can I respond to this please?” Candidate Leyzard asked the moderator. “I’ll give you 30 seconds.” “What the lieutenant governor will fail to tell you is that most of the mills and industries that manufactured here and influenced the creation of the EPA no longer exist in the United States never mind in this state. From the EPA came other agencies like OSHA and if you were to walk into a distribution or manufacturing center if you can find one. You will notice a clean and safe working environment that has redundant measures set in place to follow. The EPA has been used as a political tool to obstruct the development of our natural resources and in our state natural gas.” “Your response lieutenant governor.” “Look we’re not talking about a local horse farm dumping its manure over a hill that drains into a small fishing area. From what I’m hearing the other candidate supports you the average taxpayer loosing your life savings so someone else can make money.” “That’s not what I said.” The lieutenant governor held up a hand, “I listened to you now you listened to me. Were not chum for the sharks and were not dead on the rocks.” The crowd cheered. “I’ll not have the hard working people of this state loose their life savings, drink dirty water, or breathe polluted air. Unlike you I don’t believe in torture!” The applause continued.
The moderator then shifted subjects, “Tonight outside is a crowd protesting for their independent candidate State Senator David-Anthony Jarrods. He supports investing pension funds into natural gas vehicles for all government vehicles using natural gas that is harvested from this state’s resources for fuel. On his website he’s set up projections for jobs and tax revenue, and investments funds that could generate great returns for state pensions. What are your thoughts on his candidacy and his stance on using pension funds for investment on natural gas vehicles and fuel? Republican Candidate Mayor Leyzard I’ll ask you first.” “Well I appreciate his enthusiasm but I think that he would chase after Moby dick in a row boat with a spoon and take the tarter sauce with him.” The crowd chuckled. “Where I agree with the state senator is in his support of natural gas exploration. I’m severely skeptic and hesitant to comment on using pension funds for any kind of government program.” “But in an abstract way can you understand how it would generate a return for the pensions and create economy?” The moderator remarked. “It makes some sense, but I don’t believe that the government has that kind of role in the economy.” The moderator then turned his attention to the Democratic lieutenant governor, “Any comments on the state senators position Lieutenant governor?” “Sure, first I would say that I would welcome his presence at the debate. The state senator has a history of taking extreme stances. I’ll go out on a limb and say that I’m interested in the possibility of using natural gas for vehicle fuel but I need more information. In Los Angeles public bussing has converted to this fuel source and it is reported to be 80% cleaner in emissions, but I will never invest our states pensions on it.” “What about the financial benefits of natural gas fuel for vehicles.” The moderator questioned the lieutenant governor. “You sound like an ad for the T.Boone Pickens website. Listen natural gas vehicles is more than a state issue. Would drilling for natural gas for conversion to vehicle fuel create economy? Of course it would, that’s common sense!If I were governor and had the possibility to purchase natural gas fueled vehicles for public vehicles I would be interested, but if the gas were drilled in this state the EPA would be by my side at all times.” “Any response to the lieutenants governors comments Mayor Leyzard?” “First I will state that this is speculatory, but let me address a greater issue. There is a fundamental difference between the democratic candidate and myself. I believe that the private sector is the solution to our problems as where my competitor believes in overregulation and obstructionism.” The lieutenant governor held up his hand wanting to comment. Mayor Leyzard continued, “I do agree though that natural gas vehicles is more than a state issue. Again, in a free market economy if the market would support natural gas and a low price point for the fuel then the market would shift in that direction. Realizing that this country conducts business in a global environment, as governor I would work to harness some of that global energy to direct that toward our state’s economy. Why has almost all of this state’s manufacturing already moved overseas? Is it just all about wage? That’s something that I will focus on.” There was a short applause. “Proper precautions and pollution standards isn’t over regulation it’s proper representation. And the people of this state deserve that along with a governor that will fight for the working class and not against them.” Lieutenant governor Lance responded and slapped the podium while the crowd responded enthusiastically. The moderator started speaking to the camera, the crowd, and then the candidates. “We are nearing the conclusion of this economy focused debate. We will now begin the closing remarks starting with you Mayor Leyzard.” The republican candidate smiled and began his closing remarks. “I’m running for governor because I believe that I will provide the right kind of leadership to lift this state from its current conditions. There is a big difference between myself and the other candidate and its not only words. I believe in cutting government waste along with the red tape of bureaucratic obstructionism that blocks the private sector from creating non-governmental economy. The other candidate is offering more of the same government based taxpayer funded answers. That’s the current direction that our boat is heading and look where it has gotten us and ask yourselves, is hitting the rocks or getting eaten by the sharks our only answer?” Mayor Leyzard held up his pocket-sized constitution, “This document says no and so do I! With your help we can guide this state toward clear waters. I’m asking you to help me to become elected governor of this great state.” Mayor Leyzard concluded his statement and the crowd gave applause. The moderator motioned to the Democratic candidate Ron Lance. “Your closing statement lieutenant governor.” Candidate Lance unbuttoned the cuffs of his sleeves and rolled them up as he walked from the podium to the crowd. “Folks, I’m running for governor because I am looking to build a greater future for the people of this state. I roll up my sleeves because I’m willing to work and fight of the people of this state.” He held up his fists to show strength. “There is a difference between me and the other candidate and it is more than his rich upbringing and my poor upbringing, it’s in our leadership philosophy. I believe in a cleaner greener economy and working to lift up those less fortunate so that they can stand on their own. The other candidate believes that the only way to grow our states economy is by cutting off the blood supply to the heart of this state and that is you the everyday person. Ask yourselves, which ship really sails in shark-infested waters. Turning the filter on and cleaning our pool creates a better condition for more than just those swimming on the bottom. Folks I’m running for governor because I believe that we are greater than our problems. I’m asking for your vote to be the next governor of this great state because I believe that I am ready and the right person to lead our future.” That lieutenant governor concluded his statement and walked back to the podium. “Candidate Lance and Leyzard I want to thank you for agreeing to this televised debate and thanks to you in the crowd and at home for watching.” The crowd gave its final applause.
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